The Minister of Human Resources, Malaysia has exercised the powers conferred under the Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2020 to appoint 1 Jan 2021 as the date on which the Act come into operation.
The amendments have far reaching implications on the Malaysian industrial relations landscape.
It is essential for managers who are involved in human resource (HR) and/or industrial relations management to be knowledgeable of the amendments to be able to effectively manage his organization for better industrial harmony, greater productivity and avoid costly and embarrassing legal disputes.
This course is specially designed to equip participants to have a better understanding of the amendments to the Industrial Relations Act 1967 and be a more knowledgeable leader, manager, practitioner or supervisor.
After completing this course, participants will be able to
keep abreast and understand with the updates of the industrial relations acts
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) (Hons), University of London
Toh started his career in 1977 as a police inspector with the Royal Malaysian Police.
He subsequently joined the private sector in 1991 as a security manager before taking up the role as a human resources manager in 1995. Since then, he has headed the human resource and administration department of various public listed companies.
Toh developed his passion for public speaking and training when he was invited to speak in a conference in 2004. Since then, he has conducted numerous in-house training programs, public training programs and has chaired/spoken at various public conferences & seminars. He also speaks in various seminars organized by various State Industrial Relations Departments and State Labour Departments.
Toh was the facilitator for the Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management’s (MIHRM) Certificate in Human Resource Management (CHRM) and Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM) programs (Employment Act module, Industrial Relations Act module and Trade Unions Act module) from 2007 to 2011.
Normal Fee | Early Bird | Group Fee |
Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 1 pax | Sign up 3 pax or more |
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts | Pay 14 day(s) before course starts |
MYR 3490 per pax | MYR 2890 per pax | MYR 2790 per pax |
USD 1030 per pax | USD 850 per pax | USD 820 per pax |
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
1. ONLINE PAYMENT by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.
2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks
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Mobile call/ whatsapp: +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
Office: +603 8074 9056