Managing the performance of your employees can be a challenge, especially if you have staff who continually fail to produce acceptable results.
This 2 days training for Managing Non-performing staff program is an effective way to acting quickly and decisively to manage non-performing staff will to ensure the company maintains a high level of productivity.
By the end of the Managing Non-performing Staff course, the participants will be able to:
- Establish higher productivity through disciplined workforce
- Learn how to solve problems at the domestic level.
- Understand and respect employer’s and employee’s rights.
- Create employers’ and employees’ positive attitude for mutual benefit.
- Apply effective hiring process.
Managing Directors, HR Managers. Admin Managers, Training Managers, Heads of Departments, Line Managers
2 Days Training Program
9.00AM - 10.30AM
Module 1: Discipline
- Areas of discipline – identifying disciplinary problems
- The disciplinary process
- “The hot-stove’ principle
- Taking disciplinary action
- Skill steps in disciplinary action
- Strengths and weaknesses of organizational policies.
10.30AM - 10.45AM Break
10.45AM - 1.00PM
Module 2 : Employee Indiscipline
- Poor Performance
- Absenteeism/Tardiness
- Insubordination
- Misconduct (acting inconsistent with conditions of employment, theft, fighting, cheating/fraud/dishonesty, vandalism, etc.)
1.00PM - 2.00PM Lunch
2.00PM - 3.30PM
Module 3 : Grievance
- What is a grievance
- Common employee grievances – reasons for identifying and processing
- Approaches to grievance handling – the various steps.
- Skills in grievance handling
- Role of employees, supervisors and management in grievance handling
3.30PM - 3.45PM Break
3.45PM - 5.00PM
Module 4 : Misconduct Guidelines & Solutions.
- What is misconduct?
- Poor performance and inefficiency
- Failure or refusal to work
- Disrespect and insubordination
- Disobey of lawful instruction
- Non-compliance of procedures
- Lateness and absenteeism
- Sleeping on duty
- Punishments for misconduct
Day 2
9.00AM - 10.30AM
Module 5 : Control, Counseling & Coaching
- Current practices
- The follow-up and follow through
- Meaning and definition
10.30AM - 10.45AM Break
10.45AM - 1.00PM
Module 6 : Principles or Guidelines on Domestic Inquiry
- Statutory provisions on discipline
- Rules of Natural Justice
- Scope of Due Inquiry
- Section 14 EA 1955
1.00PM - 2.00PM Lunch
2.00PM - 3.30PM
Module 7 : How to Conduct a Domestic Inquiry
- Industrial court guidelines
- Stages of disciplinary process
- Appellate courts on domestic inquiry
3.30PM - 3.45PM Break
3.45PM - 5.00PM
Module 8 : Effective Hiring Process
- Attitude test – written / oral
- Importance of referees
- Hiring and selection policy
- Criteria for hiring
- Screening, short-listing and sieving process
- Interview / selection process – stages
An interactive training wih exercises, case studies, role plays and discussion
HR Business Coach
PhD (Adult & Continuous Ed, UPM)
M.Ed (Training & Development, UK)
Post-Grad Dip HRM (UK)
C-IV Certificate in Training and Workplace Assessment (Australia)
Work Experience
Dr Dass comes with 30 years of HR, Learning and Development corporate work and training experience. Early in his career, Dr Dass worked for SMEs’ and MNC before setting up his own human resource and training practice.
He worked as a HR Manager in a leading Real Estate Agency with a work force of about 500, before he moved on to Electrolux Group, as their Training Manager at the Electrolux Business School. Here, he helped to design, deliver and evaluate training programs conducted at all levels. He had personally commissioned a video shoot on operations cleaning for the cleaners which is still being used. He ran supervisory, executive and management development programs at the Electrolux Business School.
Dr Dass was the CEO and Principal of Skills and Management Institute of SKB. During his tenure, he also developed and organized conventions, boot camps for the real estate agents. He can be mentioned as the pioneer who created a systematic training curriculum for the real estate industry in Malaysia
Dr Dass also has served at leading private and public universities including institutions from Australia, UK, USA and France, who are affiliated with local universities. Some modules taught by him, includes, Change Management, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Adult and Continuing Education.
Professional Membership
- Life member and National Deputy President of Malaysian Institute of Human Resource Management (MIHRM) 2010-2012.
- National Vice- President, Academic/certification director for OUM-IPD-MIHRM Diploma collaboration.
- Chairman - Academic education and training Membership of Malaysian Institute of Management and Technology Association of Malaysia, 2012-2013
Professional Certification
- Certified “Catalytic Instructor” by Dr Scott Parry of Training House US
- Accredited trainer for TEAM Management Systems, UK,
- Accredited trainer for DTS International, DISC Inventory, Australia,
- Accredited trainer for Tee Side Tertiary College, UK, in Supervisory Management.
- Certified Trainer (MIM) & HRDF
- Certified trainer to conduct the Pin Plan Program from Germany.
- Certified change management practitioner by PROSCI USA
Appointments and Awards
- Professional advisor by the Chartered Institute of Personal and Development (CIPD) UK.
- HR Consultant with the National Human Resource Center, PSMB, Malaysia
- ‘Excellent Facilitator’ Award for the year 2011 from MIHRM.
- Competent Toastmaster and has held positions from being a committee member to president and division governor, in Toastmaster International, and Rotary International, where he was invited to facilitate youth development programs in Spain, Australia, USA, India and Malaysia.
- Disciplinary committee at the Royal Lake Club, Malaysia
As an author, he has published: ‘Adult & Continuing Professional Education Practices’, published by Patridge-Penguin
To contact Dr Dass for any speaking, training and consultancy engagements, please contact us at +603 8074 9056 | Mobile +6012 6869 628 | or email:
We have a faculty of specialist and can cater to your organisation's different levels and specific needs.
For training and advisory services, feel free to contact us at or call us at +603 8082 3707 | +603 8074 9056 | +6012 6869 628 | +6018 2175 123
"Energetic, great flow" - Senior Manager, East Spring Investments Berhad
"Well prepared & awesome" - Manager, Lembaga Tabung Haji
"Very informative & engaging" - Assistant Supervisor, Bank Negara Malaysia
"Thank you for keeping up with the momentum and also keeping it interesting. It is very useful for my jobscope" - Associate, PIDM
Normal Fee |
Early Bird |
Group Fee |
Sign up 1 pax |
Sign up 1 pax |
Sign up 3 pax or more |
Pay 1 day(s) before course starts |
Pay 14 day(s) before course starts |
Pay 14 day(s) before course starts |
MYR 3490 per pax |
MYR 2890 per pax |
MYR 2790 per pax |
USD 1030 per pax |
USD 850 per pax |
USD 820 per pax |
Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Payment Mode :
1. Online Payment by Credit card: You can opt to register and pay online with our latest payment integration system through our website.
2. Telegraphic Transfer- You can also opt to use GIRO or telegraphic transfer of payment via international banks.